[Eng] Black Lighthouse Ep 15 & 16


Synopsis: Due to a mysterious reason, Qiao Nuo’s intelligent twin sister asks her to go and intern at her place at the city court at Jia Nan. As she struggles through the internship due to her lack of knowledge of the work it entails, she witnesses the intense confrontations between prosecutors and defense lawyers with her own eyes and starts to develop an appreciation for this profession. Whilst working to find clues to help the cases, accumulating work experience, and gaining the support of a good mentor, she finds true friends, love and the career she wishes to pursue and the qualities and skills she never realized she had.

Commentary: End of last case, beginning of new case


  1. Moments: It’s a place in the weixin app that allows the user to post things about her life (a bit like facebook)
  2. Feeding/Throwing the dog a meat bun: a chinese saying that means giving something good to someone who will never be grateful or it’s a punishment that will not only cause any pain to the receiver but will be beneficial.

Ep 15

Ep 16

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